Aquaculture, temo ea litlhapi le lintho tse ling tse phelang metsing, e 'nile ea fumana botumo e le mokhoa o tsitsitseng oa ho tšoasa litlhapi. Indasteri ea lefats'e ea temo ea metsing e ntse e hola ka potlako lilemong tsa morao tjena mme ho lebelletsoe hore e tla tsoela pele ho hola lilemong tse mashome tse tlang. Karolo e 'ngoe ea temo ea metsing e ntseng e fumana tlhokomelo e ntseng e eketseha ke tšebeliso ea mekhoa ea recirculating aquaculture (RAS).
Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Recirculating aquaculture systems ke mofuta oa temo ea litlhapi e kenyeletsang temo e koetsoeng ea tlhapi sebakeng se koetsoeng. Litsamaiso tsena li lumella tšebeliso e nepahetseng ea mehloli ea metsi le matla, hammoho le taolo ea litšila le ho qhoma ha mafu. Litsamaiso tsa RAS li thusa ho fokotsa tšusumetso ea tikoloho ea botšoasi ba litlhapi tse tloaelehileng le ho fana ka phepelo ea selemo ho pota ea litlhapi, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e ntle bakeng sa batšoasi ba litlhapi ba khoebo le ba boithabiso.
Thepa ea Aquaculture
Katleho ea ho khutlisa litsamaiso tsa temo ea metsing e ipapisitse le mefuta e mengata ea lisebelisoa tse ikhethileng, ho kenyeletsoa empa e sa felle ho:
Meqomo ea Aquaculture: Lisefe tsena li sebelisetsoa ho tlosa litšila le lithōle tse tsoang metsing. Lisefe tsa meropa li potoloha butle, li koalla litšila ka letlooeng ha li ntse li lumella metsi a hloekileng hore a fete.
Protein Skimmers: Lisebelisoa tsena li sebelisetsoa ho tlosa lintho tse phelang tse qhibilihileng metsing, tse kang lijo tse feteletseng le litšila tsa litlhapi. Li-protein skimmers li sebetsa ka ho hohela le ho tlosa lintho tsena ka mokhoa o bitsoang foam fractionation.
Thepa ea temo ea metsing e tsamaile haholo lilemong tsa morao tjena, e etsa hore ho be bonolo le ho atleha ho lema litlhapi le lintho tse ling tse phelang metsing. Nts'etsopele ea litsamaiso tsa RAS le lisebelisoa tse amanang le tsona li butse menyetla e mecha bakeng sa botšoasi ba litlhapi ba tšoarellang lefatšeng ka bophara. Ha indasteri e ntse e tsoela pele ho hola, ho ka etsahala hore re bone tsoelo-pele e eketsehileng ea thepa ea temo ea metsing e tla thusa ho etsa hore temo ea litlhapi e atlehe haholoanyane le e baballang tikoloho.
Nako ea poso: Oct-17-2023